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As applied by Gothia Risk Services, Fire Risk Engineering is the science that is used to assess physical risks that affect property, business operation and people's safety, and to develop practical, effective and economical solutions that achieve risk improvement.

Fire Risk Engineering can be divided into two categories: Loss Prevention and Loss Control.

Our services are designed to help you fully understand and address property and business interruption risks at your facilities anywhere in the world.

Loss Prevention

As common sense dictates, preventing a problem from occurring in the first place is by far preferable, much less costly and far more beneficial than correcting the problem once it has occurred. Since we live in a world where losses will always occur, what better way to deal with this challenge than to prevent it where possible.

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Fire remains the largest cause of property losses that effect businesses all over the world. Comprehensive loss studies have identified primary areas most affecting loss frequency and severity. These preventable losses, which are listed below, generate most of all fire losses:

  • Electrical related fires

  • Hazardous process related fires

  • Housekeeping related fires

  • Flammable liquids and gases related fires

  • Arson fire

The prevention of losses lowers your company’s business costs. Even small losses can impact a company’s productivity. By preventing a loss, you eliminate unplanned expenditures, you save the insurance deductible and you save intangibles not covered by insurance such as market share, customer loyalty, employees, company reputation and community support.

By identifying these critical preventable causes of fire, process hazards, other perils and accidental damage, develop an action plan tailored to your exact needs. We can help you prioritize your efforts, take advantage of your strengths, and target your efforts in areas where you can achieve the greatest return for your unique business/facility.

Usually a well organised and effective risk/loss prevention program is built over several years in collaboration with your risk consultant. In this way, you can build a sound foundation initially by addressing your basic needs, and then, where practical and desired, you can move on to a more sophisticated managed program.

Loss Control

Despite all risk/loss prevention efforts and active programs, not all losses are preventable. The potential for loss will always exist. However, the frequency and consequences of these unpreventable losses can be greatly reduced by the implementation of risk/loss control measures to complement your existing risk/loss prevention program. As in prevention, research and extensive loss studies have identified critical areas that help control the majority of these losses:

  • Separation of departments/activities

  • Divisioning of departments/activities

  • Early fire detection

  • Automatic water sprinkler protection

  • Automatic gaseous protection systems

  • Automatic smoke ventilation systems.

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